Random Acts of Kindness

The 4th of July weekend is finally here

The neighborhood is a buzz with the kids out of school, beach days all around, and the Valmonte gardens all in bloom. But almost as great as the anticipation for Christmas is the joys of freedom as the 4th of July weekend draws near. On my evening walk lately I passed neighbors decorating their house with bunting for the holiday, flags were flying in the afternoon sun, and I must have passed nearly a dozen...

Neighborly Neighbors of Valmonte

I can't help starting this new year off filled with gratitude. Sure, we here in Valmonte get to live in beautiful homes, in a beautiful neighborhood, with good jobs, and cute kids - all things to be grateful for every day. But what I'm talking about is the gratitude for the people that make up the neighborhood of Valmonte in Palos Verdes Estates.  The story started like this . . . As many in our...

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